Considering the Relationship between Online & Offline Authority in Shaping Meme Messages
This meme speaks to issues about religious authority by calling into question God's legitimacy. The meme makes fun of the logic behind this particular teaching and undermines God's authority by mocking him.
This meme calls into question the religious authority of members who do not condone homosexuality. It uses examples of other "unnatural" events within the Bible to show the incongruities in their argument.
Pretty much every aspect of religious actors/issues/community are being undermined by Atheist memes. No topic is off limits and the meme creators spare no part of religious culture in their mockery. This tells us that Atheists view themselves as superior and don't believe their authority can be questioned because they can back their claims with science.
Because there is no true authority structure in Atheism due to their lack of belief system, aspects of religious authority don't really inform how someone would read this collection of Internet memes. However, cultural hierarchies and established interpretive systems do influence their digital culture messages.
Please make sure you provide more detail about the common features of Atheism that are being stereotyped in your memes. Remember illustrating your claims, like unpacking in detail a couple of memes that exemplify your argument, will be important for your final paper.